Sunday, July 5, 2015

Peony 2015

This year’s peony went well with the peony having not only more flowers but bigger bloom as well. The peony plant itself is much bigger and healthier. It is growing bigger and healthier every season.

The plant was trimmed late winter and started to grow shoots early spring with full leaves by middle of the spring. It started to bloom as early as mid spring which lasted for almost a month.

I deadheaded the spent flowers about late spring with the green leaves lasting early December. If the plant is situated properly with enough sunlight, it will last and bloom for decades. Peonies rarely need to be divided; the plant I have still does not need to be divided. 

Sunday, November 23, 2014

Peach Tree

I planted a peach tree six years ago which started bearing fruit after three years.

Peach trees are native to Northwest China and are of the same species as nectarines. Peach has characteristic fuzz on the skin while nectarines are characterized by the absence of fuzz skin, it has smooth skin.


The only problem with peach trees is that the fruit ripen all at the same time and only for a short period of time. Last year most of the fruit just fell to the ground which is a waste; they are sweet and juicy.

My peach tree has been bearing fruit three years after I planted and bears more fruit every year. This year however it only has a few fruits. Peach trees need the chill of winter in order to bear fruit which is not a problem in Southern California. The problem may be the absence of rain this year. Southern California normally gets around 12 inches of rain but this year not even half of the normal precipitation.

With enough rains this coming winter, maybe it will bear more fruits this coming season.

Sunday, September 21, 2014


Button is my black dog which I had for about 12 years now. He is a mixed breed and has a shiny coat of black with some white spots on his chest, neck and snout. He is about 20 lbs which is perfect; not big and not very small. I am not sure what mixture of breed he is but he may have some Jack Russell in him.

Button was adopted from a veterinary hospital in West Los Angeles when he is less than a year old. He loves to eat almost any food except anything with chicken; it gives him gas. He is also very sociable with other dogs and people except food delivery people.

He likes to ride in a car and most of the time he likes to sits in my lap when we are not on the freeway. 

Update: March 26, 2016 
Button peacefully passed away today early in the morning, he is about 15 years old.

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Central Garden at The Getty Museum

One of my favorite parts of visiting the Getty Center in Brentwood besides the art works is the garden in the back. The garden is designed with circle of hedges and trees. 

Central Garden is at the heart of the famous Getty Center which is a 134,000 square-foot garden created by artist Robert Irwin. The garden features a ravine and tree-lined walkways. The walkways traverse a stream that winds through a variety of plants and descends to a plaza with bougainvillea arbors. The arbor itself is a piece of art used to hold the bougainvillea vines.  A stream cascades over a stone waterfall into the signature maze of clipped azaleas surrounded by a garden of specialty plants.

The garden is well kept and maintained with all the plants looking nice; no dead foliage anywhere and the hedge are neatly trimmed. The garden needs to be cared for continuously, this is an example of what a garden in Los Angeles should be. Most of the plants are not from somewhere and are not suited for the Los Angeles climate.

If you like a good place to watch the sun set while eating al fresco, the Central Garden should be high on your list when visiting the Los Angeles region. This garden is not for serious gardeners but would be good just for visiting.

The Getty Center is located at 1200 Getty Center Drive, Los Angeles, CA, 90049. Other than the parking fee, there is no entrance fee to visit the museum.

Saturday, July 5, 2014

Tree Rose

Tree roses are also known as standard roses. They are cultivated by grafting a rose on a trunk to produce a tall plant that has long stems and colorful flowers. Standard roses combine the best elements of a strong rootstock, a tall stem, and the desired flower. Standard roses are used in the landscape to create height.

Just Joey Tree Rose

Full-size standard roses grow 4 to 6 feet while varieties grow 12 inches tall. Dwarf standard roses share the tree-like shape, the long stems, and the rich flower color, just in a smaller size.

I have planted several standard roses a few years ago and they are still in very good shape. I give them a good pruning every spring and once again middle of summer; severe pruning in spring must be done in order to have a compact crown. Deadheading must be done as soon as the flowers fade. 

Red Ingrid Bergman Tree Rose

Some of my favorite tree rose I have in my garden are the Just Joey and the red Ingrid Bergman which I have several. Although both roses does not have fragrance, their bloom size and form are spectacular.