Sunday, August 27, 2017

Pomegranate Fruit, 2017

My pomegranate tree bear fruit even with minimum watering due to the restrictions and conservation of water for several years as a result of the drought that affected California for the past several years.  I cut back on water usage by watering the lawn at a minimum only enough for the lawn not to die; the water saved on the lawn was used instead to water the fruit trees.

Although it had fruit last year there were only a few fruit and they are relatively small compared to pomegranate you can buy at the grocery store. This year there are more fruit and a lot bigger than last year; they look plump and healthy and I am sure the seeds will be more juicy and sweeter than last year.

Pomegranate trees are known to be extremely drought-tolerant but with more watering it will have better fruit quality, the fruit will be bigger and the seeds will be juicier. Will it be sweeter? That remains to be seen.


  1. The pomegranate fruit has been used extensively in the mediteranean cuisine for centuries, it is good

    1. Pomegranate is one of the super foods, it is very healthy and parts of the tree is medicinal too.

  2. Love the juice, it is healthy and love the tart sweet taste.
