Saturday, September 1, 2012

Bulb 2

The best time to plant bulbs is spring and fall. It is September and it is time to get ready to plant bulbs. It is best to plant in the fall; bulbs planted in the fall will bloom the following spring. Bulbs planted in spring will bloom in the summer.

Most bulbs thrive in either full or partial sun. In mild climates like Southern California it is best to plant bulbs in partial shade. Bulbs require good drainage and you must avoid planting in base of slopes or under drainpipes or wherever water collects; this will make the bulb rot.

I planted some gladiolas several years ago and they have thrived beautifully. I planted thee corms in a hole and they have multiplied and they need to be taken out and divided to avoid overcrowding. This process is necessary if you want large bloom. I will do this as soon as the weather turns a little bit cooler.

Gladiolas are corms and are known by several names: gladiolus, gladiola, glads, and sword lily. They are called sword lily because of their long and sword-like leaves. Although they are sometimes called sword lily they are not lilies but corms.

Gladiolas planted in fall or early spring will bloom in July to August and they come in a hue of colors including bi-colors. They prefer rich, soft soil and plenty of water. A little fertilizer will help if the soil is poor.

To propagate glads, dig up the corms in fall. Separate the corms, wash and dry and store them in a cool and dry location in a paper bag. Never use plastic bag; plastic bags will trap the moisture and this will rot the corms.

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