Monday, December 17, 2012

Banana 1

The banana finally matured and ripened. It took almost 7 months from the time the flower emerged for the fruits to ripen and mature. The fruits are initially green in color and turned yellow.

The ripened banana fingers are golden yellow which is the typical color of most ripe bananas. The sizes of the bananas are relatively tiny, around 3 inches long. 

Although the size is not big, the taste is sweet but not overly sweet. The texture is a little bit firm and not mushy.

I am not sure the variety of this banana (for future, I will keep track of the variety) but I am not overly happy with it; I bought this at one of the big box home centers. The size and appearance looks like a “lady finger” variety but it does not taste like a lady finger.

I will try to plant something that bears bigger fruit although I will keep this plant. 


  1. The color is rich yellow, I bet they are sweet.

  2. The yellow color is lovely, they look so sweet and yummy.

  3. Those are yummy bananas, they look so bright golden yellow. Nice!

  4. Those bananas look so yummy.

  5. Those are yummy bananas, they look lovely in yellow.
