Sunday, November 23, 2014

Peach Tree

I planted a peach tree six years ago which started bearing fruit after three years.

Peach trees are native to Northwest China and are of the same species as nectarines. Peach has characteristic fuzz on the skin while nectarines are characterized by the absence of fuzz skin, it has smooth skin.


The only problem with peach trees is that the fruit ripen all at the same time and only for a short period of time. Last year most of the fruit just fell to the ground which is a waste; they are sweet and juicy.

My peach tree has been bearing fruit three years after I planted and bears more fruit every year. This year however it only has a few fruits. Peach trees need the chill of winter in order to bear fruit which is not a problem in Southern California. The problem may be the absence of rain this year. Southern California normally gets around 12 inches of rain but this year not even half of the normal precipitation.

With enough rains this coming winter, maybe it will bear more fruits this coming season.